Wednesday 7 May 2008

Nik and Ash

I was asked by Nik and Ash to produce some background designs for their underwater scene.
To sae from revealing a pivotal plot pioint in their story, suffice it to say this scene involves a castle and abklue whale. The specifications were that it has to be on A3 and to be in a style consistentwih their simple "innocent" look they were using for the rest of their project. Also the the top of the waves were to utilise the familliar "joined-C" look, so that they could duplicate this into 2 or 3 layers so to animate them independently, adding dimensionality to the scene.
Knowing that their prokjject was set in a snowscape, similar to a location such as iceland in our world, i kept this in mind when designing the scenes to achieve a suitable"icyu" feeling. Their piece is humourous so any visual jokes i thought would be quite un to pop in, though kept these to a minium


A basic start. Nothing too busy. The background is merely to complement their animatic However, as stated above, this scene involves a castle and blue whale both of which will require a look of huge depth and scale so as not to compromise believablilty. The tops of the waves I designed in this pieces were to large aid the purpose


I brightened this one up a bit and added some snowy underwater shelves to add to the cold, icy location.

I added this sign as a humourous element but it looked a little dull so i added a bit of colour to the next one by adding an orange starfish to the sign:



I liked this one as it felt very depthy, with the layers and i used a bit of reference to get the light caustics on the snowy shelves.


This one felt more cartoony with the booth (which could have hasd impklications with the is story) It does feel a lot hrighters, although i removed the background layer as i thought it was getting too busy and would detract from the actual movement. The boot does take up a lot of screen space also which could be an issue

I presented these to Nik and Ash and they really liked the one with the sign. Here is the finished picture background.

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